Havergal College

Toronto, Ontario | C.1894

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AWA featured place

Photo by: @pppools

When Havergal College opened its doors in Toronto, Canada in 1894, its approach to education was exceedingly modern by today’s standards. Named after the famous female musician and author Frances Ridley Havergal, Havergal has been female-focused long before it became a trend in the 21st century.

Affiliated with the Anglican Church, but allowing girls of all faiths into the school, Havergal College underwent an explosive period of growth in the ensuing decades. By 1924, the school board had purchased an additional 13 pieces of real estate in Toronto.

The school’s first principle, Ellen Mary Knox, had graduated from the prestigious Oxford University, and was known for asking her students “What are you going to do?”

The picture above captures an area in Havergal’s athletic center. The green and yellow flags hanging over the 25-meter regulation-size pool represent the school colors, although many more color combinations can be found on campus.

Havergal features a Hogwarts-esque house system consisting of 10 houses with their own colors and animal mascots. Each house is named after a notable alumni, and incoming students are assigned a house upon admission to Havergal.

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