The Scotsman Hotel

Edinburgh, Scotland | C.2001

Icon AWA Official Place

AWA featured place

Photos by: Accidentally Wes Anderson

Written by: Seamus McMahon


Straddling the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh is a stronghold that was once a fluttering hub of activity: the headquarters for The Scotsman. The newspaper was founded by two men: a customs official who loved daily gossip and a hatmaker with a knack for the written word. The operation moved into its Victorian home in 1905, and its pressrooms stayed abuzz there for nearly a century.

The media hub was transformed into the luxury Scotsman Hotel in 2001. Nevertheless, some of the paper’s past employees may still haunt the halls. Most commonly reported is the apparition of a phantom copywriter and printer’s assistant, stalking the building’s corridors, eternally pushing their deadlines.

But you don’t need to wait for a ghost sighting to behold The Scotsman’s legacy. You can also visit this intimate forty-eight-seat theater, located in the hull of the hotel. The cozy Scotsman Picturehouse allows guests to “rediscover the magic of the big screen” by evoking a lost era of cinematic opulence. Its careful restoration turned back the clock on multiplex movie experiences by reinvigorating the red-hot anticipation of date nights at a plush moving picture show.

Now please silence your mobile telephones: the show is about to begin.

📖 Full Story Page 140

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