Barcelona, Spain
Montjuïc Cable Car
This cable car in Barcelona celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2020.
Pragersko, Slovenia | C.1991
The sleek modern trains of the national rail service of Slovenia represent one chapter in a sequence of dramatic changes that the country has undergone.
Its tracks were laid in the 1840s as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After World War I, Slovenia was incorporated into a joint kingdom with its neighbors, leading the train system to be called the National Railways of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. A decade later, Slovenian passengers found themselves on the renamed Yugoslav State Railways, in a new socialist state on the Soviet side of the Iron Curtain. This lasted until 1991, when the USSR dissolved. No longer bound to share its territory, Slovenia became a state unto itself. The Yugoslav State Railways divided itself into distinct Croatian, Serbian, and Slovenian Railways.
Today, if riders feel uncertain about which nation they’re in, confirmation can be located on the name of the country printed on their train ticket.
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