Montreux Glion Rochers-de-Naye Railway

veytaux, Switzerland | C.1892

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Photos by: Accidentally Wes Anderson, Valantin Agathe, Jérôme Favre


The Montreux Glion Rochers-de-Naye Railway is an electrically operated railway in a mountainous district of western Switzerland bordered by Lake Geneva. It was originally built as two separate lines, the Glion Rochers-de-Naye Railway (GN) and the Montreux Glion Railway (MGI).

The railway from Montreux, which departs from platform 8 of the main line Montreux railway station, begins to climb steeply almost as soon as it leaves the station and enters the first of many tunnels. The line changes direction by a series of minimum radius curves, with views of Lake Geneva alternating from side to side. There are workshops and a depot alongside the line as it leaves Glion – where the first steam trains to Rochers-de-Naye departed from in 1892.

The line continues higher to the small village of Caux at about 1,000m (3,280ft) above lake Geneva, passing through Alpine meadows which, in the Springtime, are full of wild growing narcissus, forget-me-nots. Finally, reaching its upper terminus at Rochers-de-Naye at an altitude of 2,042m (6,677ft).

The railway is open all year round and utilizes a rolling stock of which some cars date back to the 1930s. The complete trip takes about an hour each way. For families traveling along the railway, the end of the journey opens up to Marmots Paradise, an animal park hosting a variety of species of marmot.

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One thought on “Montreux Glion Rochers-de-Naye Railway

  1. October 7, 2023

    In winter, this ride is sure to be such a treat with the beautiful mountains.

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