Palacio de Postal

Mexico City, Mexico | C.1907

Icon AWA Official Place

AWA featured place

Photos by: Daniel Bravo, Georgie Koch, Hana Gausfain

Don’t let the name fool you, this golden wonder isn’t *technically* a palace, but rather a post office. Palacio Postal, or Correo Mayor (the Main Post Office), was built 1907. The building took five years to complete, and has been in operation ever since. One might wonder if such elaborate decoration is necessary to have an effective postal service? Well, that is debatable, but it certainly does not hurt.

At the time it was built, Palacio Postal served as the flagship of Mexico’s brand new mail service, and it was here that the very first Mexican stamp was ever issued. Before this revolutionary move, there had never before been a government agency that allowed the citizens of Mexico to communicate across the country. Palacio Postal served as a literal golden reminder that progress was being made. Unfortunately, all was not golden through the years…

In 1985, a severe earthquake left Mexico City in shambles, and the Palacio was not spared. After the dust settled, the structure was dubbed an ‘Artistic Monument’ and restoration efforts began in 1990 – thanks to the original Architect’s daughter. Residing in Italy, she donated her father’s initial drawings and notations – which proved “invaluable” in restoring the building to its true original glory.

Today, more than the average postal procedures are on display here. In a small area dedicated to the history of Mexico’s mail service resides a number of postal artifacts including the first stamp ever issued in the country. But if standard stamps are what you need, stick to the first floor and admire the literal golden age of mail as you post your package.

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