
Glava, Sweden | C.2013

Icon AWA Official Place

AWA featured place

Photo by: Claudia Jacquemin

Glava is a municipality in the community of Arvika, Sweden. In 2010 Glava ceased to be regarded as a town, because the number of residents fell below the minimum to hold status as an urban area in Sweden, which is two hundred people. The locals got to work and regained the privilege back in 2015…only to lose it again three years later.

The neighboring community of Hillringsberg (stretching for all of two streets) uses the Glava football pitch for the Hillringsbergs IF, who play in the lowest division in the system. By the appearance of their grandstand, the team struggled with maintaining the requisite rowdy fan base to boost their morale.

Either that, or this photograph was taken on the same day as the entirety of Glava made a pilgrimage to Sweden’s nearest census bureau, fighting to reclaim recognition as a proud legitimate town once again.

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