Chartres, France
Illiers-Combray Station
This French train station is located in a town renamed after the famed writer Marcel Proust's fictional name for the village.
Asturias, Spain | C.1931
The Ermita de la Regalina is a chapel located in Asturias, Spain. A medley of geographies, Asturias is four fifths mountain ranges, but is also home to expansive plains and hills leading to the Nalón River, home to the majority of Asturias’ population and businesses.
The autonomous community is best known for their coalfields, which extend 1,000 sq mi throughout the Nalón Basin. However, because of the community’s irregular terrain, Astruias remains largely undeveloped. But the community has found ways to adapt to their landscape, as evidenced by the construction of the Ermita de la Regalina chapel.
Built in 1931, this chapel, located on the promontory of Regalina Cadavedo, was created by pilgrims of the Northern Way, a route from France to Spain taken by Christians escaping Moorish attack. Situated on a very steep cliff, the location provides an aerial view over the Ribeirona beach as well as a clear vantage point for the rest of the coast.
The chapel was built on a pasture, which now includes two granaries of the almost one hundred that are preserved in the area. The white siding helps the blue accents pop against the backdrop of the Asturian coast. To honor the pilgrims of the Northern Way that built this chapel, a pilgrimage is held every year to honor the “Virgin of Riégala” (nicknamed “la Regalina”), patron saint of the village.
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