Chartres, France
Illiers-Combray Station
This French train station is located in a town renamed after the famed writer Marcel Proust's fictional name for the village.
From the shores of Lake Tahoe to the allusive Area 51 and to the majestic Hoover Dam, our Nevada road trip was full of unique signs, historic towns, and a handful of tumbleweeds.
From exploring art museums in Basel, to not lifting a finger at luxurious hotels, and to visiting charming Swiss chalets, our second trip to the Land of Milk and Honey was just as magical as the first.
All aboard! We embark from the end of the world aboard the MS Roald Amundsen on a (shivery) trip of a lifetime!
Over a century ago, Phileas Fogg circumnavigated the globe over 80 trips around the sun. Taking a page out of his whimsical legacy, we found ourselves on a similarly audacious adventure—in Scotland.
Join AWA and our off-centered friends over at Dogfish Head for an even more off-centered adventure in the Green Mountain State!
From the western metropolis of Denver to the surrounding Rocky Mountains, there’s something for everyone in the heart of Colorado.
From the shores of Lake Tahoe to the allusive Area 51 and to the majestic Hoover Dam, our Nevada road trip was full of unique signs, historic towns, and a handful of tumbleweeds.
From exploring art museums in Basel, to not lifting a finger at luxurious hotels, and to visiting charming Swiss chalets, our second trip to the Land of Milk and Honey was just as magical as the first.
All aboard! We embark from the end of the world aboard the MS Roald Amundsen on a (shivery) trip of a lifetime!
Over a century ago, Phileas Fogg circumnavigated the globe over 80 trips around the sun. Taking a page out of his whimsical legacy, we found ourselves on a similarly audacious adventure—in Scotland.
Join AWA and our off-centered friends over at Dogfish Head for an even more off-centered adventure in the Green Mountain State!
From the western metropolis of Denver to the surrounding Rocky Mountains, there’s something for everyone in the heart of Colorado.
Buenos Aires, Argentina | C.1922
The lighthouses of Argentina’s lengthy coastline need to be exceptionally tall due to its dense sandbank and the threatening shoals offshore. Claromecó Lighthouse reaches into the sky at a height of 177 feet, making it the second tallest in all of South America. It was once possible to climb the 278 steps along its spiral staircase to reach the top, but safety precautions now preclude the public from doing so.
However, it is not merely the height that makes this striped warning tower unique. At its base are the skeletal remains of a whale that washed ashore in 1991. Out of respect for the majesty of the mammal, its skeleton was reassembled and placed at the foundation of the lighthouse.
This French train station is located in a town renamed after the famed writer Marcel Proust's fictional name for the village.
Modern thermal baths touted for the healing powers of their waters - just don't forget your bathing suit.
The North Mole Lighthouse is one of a pair of "twin" lighthouses found at the entrance to Fremantle Harbour in Western Australia.
The North Mole Lighthouse is one of a pair of "twin" lighthouses found at the entrance to Fremantle Harbour in Western Australia.
This semicircular-cylindrical light house guards a fishing village in Iceland.
The 170-foot structure is one of only a dozen remaining tall, brick tower lighthouses in the United States.
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