Little Church of San Lorenzo

Cosenza, Italy | C.2009

Icon AWA Official Place

AWA featured place

Photo by: Giuseppe Colosimo

Written by: Seamus McMahon

On a sunny afternoon, this “chiesetta,” or tiny church, is a place of serene quiet, with only the lapping of the crisp waters of nearby Lake Cecita making a sound. In the middle of August, however, this small sanctuary is surrounded by the faithful, fulfilling the long desire of the community to have such a sacred place at this very spot. 

While the large manmade lake is a newer addition to the landscape, the surrounding region appears to have been peaceful enough that centuries ago, Benedictine monks set up a hermitage nearby. Locals believe this is how the village of Campo San Lorenzo near the chiesetta got its name. With the remnants of that humble camp long gone, community members sought a way to bring a spiritual retreat back to these quiet pastures of Calabria. 

Having difficulty getting enough funds together to build the church, a woodworker from nearby Acri was so moved by the locals that they decided to donate and build the shrine for free. Built over three years, the wooden structure was completed in 2009, with enough room to host an altar and a few rows of fold-out chairs. 

While a recent construction compared to most buildings in the Italian countryside, the little church and its bell tower are already cemented in local tradition. Each year on August 9th and 10th, a pilgrimage is organized from nearby Camigliatello Silano in the mountains all the way to the calm church by the lake. Tired feet are awarded the amazing atmosphere of the church’s surroundings, a little less quiet than that old Benedictine campground. 

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