Budapest, Hungary
Lukács Baths
Bubbling deep beneath the heart of Budapest—also known as “the city of baths”—is nature’s hot tub: geothermal springs enriched with healing minerals.
San Martin Zapotitlán, Guatemala | C.2002
The third largest theme park in Latin America, Xetulul features six different plazas each individually representing the countries of Guatemala, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland, respectively. The name “Xetulul” actually originates from the Kʼicheʼ language, or the Mayan language of Guatemala, and means “under the sapotes.” Sapotes are soft, edible fruits that primarily originate in Central America. So if you are interested in learning more about the world while also riding some super sweet roller coasters, then this theme park is probably the place for you…
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