Krka National Park

Lozovac, Croatia | C.1985

Icon AWA Official Place

AWA featured place

Photo by: Cathy Tideswell

Croatia’s Krka River slices over smooth limestone hills through a landscape punctuated by gorges, caves, lakes, and cascading waterfalls that possess an otherworldly beauty. Krka’s national park features two monasteries, a Byzantine church, and an ancient Roman catacomb marked by first-century graffiti—and this pancake hut. Nothing could better complement this marriage of natural wonder and sweeping history than Croatian pancakes. Seekers of a fluffy short stack be warned: these palačinkes are similar to thin French crêpes.

AWA Community Insight:
cardinalvirtue Pancakes are called “palačinke” in Serbo-Croatian and they’re definitely a must-try for anyone visiting the Balkans

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