Dogfish Inn

Lewes, Delaware | C.2014

Icon AWA Official Place

AWA featured place

Photos by: Accidentally Wes Anderson


Home to a tavern house and motel through much of the 19th century. It was converted to the Atlantic Hotel some time between 1852-1856, and was destroyed by a fire in May 1870.

It wasn’t until 1973 that the corner was used again, when the Juliada Motel was erected. The name changed to Vesuvio Motel in 1977, when it was purchased by Gennaro Iacono.

Opened in 2014, Dogfish teamed up with Studio Tack in Brooklyn, N.Y., and Lighthouse Construction in Magnolia to design and renovate the property.  The lobby is located inside what was formerly a single family house.  The hotel comes complete with a treasure hunt: Somewhere on the walls of each room, Delaware artist Steve Rogers painted a portrait of the Lightship Overfalls, a National Historic Landmark (and one of only 17 remaining lightships). The actual lightship is docked just a few hundred feet away, in Lewes Harbor.

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