Laberinto Patagonia

Patagonia, Argentina | C.1996

Icon AWA Official Place

AWA featured place

Photo by: Diega Neuman

Written by: Kelly Murray

The heart-center of Claudio Levi and Doris Romera’s life together was the dream of creating something greater than themselves. The couple met in 1992, and during their first conversation, Claudio spoke of his passion for mazes. They fell in love and worked together in Buenos Aires, saving money not to have children or invest in a home but to build an enormous labyrinth, for themselves.

The design was established on a piece of cardboard, guided by trigonometry, mythology, architectural tenets, and ancestral divinity. They transferred the design to a massive scale, buying cypress trees in bunches of one hundred, and spending twentyfive consecutive days planting over two thousand trees exactly one meter apart. They waited for over a decade as the trees grew. Their patience and pruning were rewarded when they inaugurated Laberinto Patagonia, the largest maze in South America, at nearly 2,200 meters of trail.

They had no intention of making it a tourist landmark. It was their private passion. But with time, friends came by. Soon local teachers brought students to their rich green corridors, who left with smiles, in a state of awe. Entering the maze is a departure from everyday noise and information. There is one objective: find your way in; find your way out. Then enjoy the beautiful view of the Andean mountains.

They opened to the public in 2013. Claudio welcomes visitors with a reminder that entering the labyrinth makes them heroes. Doris offers homemade pastries in their café.

For them, it is an ongoing fulfillment of a dream. For everybody else, it is South America’s most expansive Lost and Found.

📖 Full Story Page 64

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